DJANGO Dog Blog - Interview with Remix the Dog, Instagram's Most Stylish Bearded Pupster

Interview: Remix the Dog, Instagram's Most Stylish Bearded Pupster

Remix might be the world’s most stylish bearded pupster. He is famous for his horn-rimmed glasses, pop art-style dog hoodies, cosplay costumes, and chunky headphones. We caught up with Remix and his owner, Chris Ha, to talk about his influencer experience, geek chic wardrobe, raw dog food diet, and recent trips.
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Remix might be the world’s most stylish bearded pupster. He is famous for his horn-rimmed glasses, pop art-style dog hoodies, cosplay costumes, and chunky headphones.

Hailing from Miami, Florida, the “Dumbledore of Dogdom” has traveled to Canada, Israel, and Puerto Rico. He has also visited New York City, New Orleans, Seattle, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Birmingham. We caught up with Remix and his owner, Chris Ha, to talk about his influencer experience, geek chic wardrobe, raw dog food diet, and recent trips.

It's so nice to speak with you, Chris! Tell us a little more about Remix, where he's from, and how old he is.

I bought Remix from a breeder in Niagara Falls. He turned 7 years old on October 10th.

Remix is such a great name—fun, strong, and memorable. Naming a new dog can be tough! We picked out "Django" for our sausage dog before we even met him. I (Steph) am an amateur musician and love jazz and classical music. I heard the name Django after listening to Django Reinhardt, a famous Belgian-born jazz guitarist and composer. Mike (Django's Dad) is a passionate software engineer and familiar with a popular web development framework called Django. For us, Django was the perfect name.

How did you decide on the name Remix?

Before we picked Remix up, we were dead set on naming him Dino. I even have an old name tag that we made with that name on it. I used to be a concert photographer for Live Nation and photographed a lot of DJs and electronic dance music festivals. I had a dream where I had a dog named Remix. Then I woke up and was like, “Oh, this is actually a pretty funny name for a dog.”

DJANGO Dog Blog - Remix all dressed up

What attracted you to the miniature schnauzer?

I am deathly allergic to dogs. When I was younger, I used to get allergy shots weekly. My best friend growing up had a miniature schnauzer. I never had any allergic reactions to his dog because schnauzers are hypoallergenic. I always thought that they were like good temperamental dogs. I also liked their beards and thought they had a cool look to them.

I've spotted Remix's miniature white schnauzer brother, Simon, on your Instagram a few times. Have Remix and Simon always gotten along?

Remix is pretty territorial, but he slowly got used to Simon coming over every so often. Now, they kind of get along when they hang out with each other, but I feel like they are always in competition with each other.

It sounds like they have a similar relationship to Django and our 2 year old toddler. When they get along and play, they're adorable together. Sometimes though it's very obvious that Django wants more attention. I think he misses being an only child sometimes!

What about dog treats... Does Remix have a favorite?

Whimzees are all-natural dental chews. Remix has one every single day. That is sort of like a special moment during the day. He gets excited over it.

Adorable miniature schnauzer Remix

We'll definitely check them out. I saw Remix is on the raw food diet. Why did you choose this diet?

Remix has had skin issues since he was a puppy. We did a brand partnership with TruDog a year and a half ago. I ended up just switching him over entirely because he would get rashes all the time. Ever since I pushed raw food, he has not had that issue once.

What is Remix's personality like when he is off-camera?

Remix is super grumpy. His nickname is “Grumpy Pup” because he makes this grumbling sound whenever he is doing anything. When I want him to do something, it always has to be on his own terms. Though he is always attached to us in some way and needs to cuddle.

Remix easily has some of the coolest dog apparel and accessories on Instagram. Which outfit of Remix’s is your favorite?

His collection of Hawaiian shirts work well in the Miami weather. He is sort of known for sporting sunglasses. When I put them on his head, he freezes in place, which is actually perfect for taking photos.

DJANGO Dog Blog - Remix Hawaiian Dog Shirt

Remix has also been all over the world with you! We've also been fortunate to travel all over the U.S. and to Europe with Django. What is your favorite travel memory with Remix?

In November of 2015, Vibe Israel wanted to convince millennials to travel to Israel. It tried to show that the Middle East has a modern, forward-type of culture. Instead of bringing the hottest Instagram celebs, Vibe Israel thought, “Why don't we bring a whole bunch of dog influencers?”

Tel Aviv is one of the most dog-friendly cities in the world. I brought Remix everywhere with me. He walked through religious sites and the streets of Jerusalem. When we landed, I thought, “How am I even here right now?” We had gourmet chef-made meals, hung out on the beach, and got massages. Near the end, we even walked on a red carpet runway at city hall.

If you and Remix could visit any other place in the world, where would it be?

I would like to visit Japan or South Korea. Japan has always been my favorite place to visit. I love to go there any chance I get. I also have a lot of followers from South Korea that have schnauzers.

DJANGO Dog Blog - Remix in DJANGO Adventure Dog Harness and Leash Set

You've traveled extensively with Remix and probably have a lot of great pet travel advice. What is the number one travel tip that you would give to readers?

Familiarize yourself with all of the airplane rules when flying with a pet. Make sure that your dog meets all the requirements. If someone asks you to do something with your pet that you are not comfortable with, please speak up. I hate hearing about all the pet incidents on planes caused by uninformed people.You are ultimately responsible for your dog’s safety.

Great advice. Which airline do you consider to be the most dog-friendly?

I have always stuck with American Airlines. In 2019, I got my Executive Platinum Membership with American Airlines. I clocked in 32 flights that year, which was crazy. As for general customer service, you will not find a good airline in North America.

We've mostly flown with Django on Delta, United, and American. I think our best experience flying was a flight cross-country via Virgin America.

Back to Remix and his Instagram stardom... What is your advice for dog owners who are looking to turn their four-legged family member into an influencer?

Do not be afraid to start posting things. Find your own voice and be unique to yourself. When I built Remix's account, it was all over the place. My photography has even changed. I have been taking photos for years, but I used to take his photos like I was taking concert photos.

DJANGO Dog Blog Interview with famous dog influencer Remix

How much time do you spend on Remix’s account?

When I first started Remix’s account, I spent a lot more time on it. Now, I spend 3 to 4 hours a week on it. I shoot a lot of content ahead of time. Whenever I am, I take photos or videos in a few different ways. Then I post it as I go, so I do not have to focus on it constantly. If I have a few brand partnerships coming up, I will probably spend 7 to 8 hours on it.

I see you are a Star Wars fan! If Remix could meet anyone from the Star Wars universe who would it be?

George Lucas and then Pedro Pascal from The Mandalorian.

Would Remix choose to be on the dark or the light side?

He would be on the light side. He looks like an old Obi-Wan Kenobi.

DJANGO Dog Blog - Remix Star Wars 

Follow Remix on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

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