The Influencer Experience Podcast interviews our lil celebrity sausage dog, Django @djangothegent

The Influencer Experience Podcast Interviews Django (the Dog) And It's A Magical Thing

A few weeks ago, The Influencer Experience Podcast reached out and asked if they could interview our lil celebrity sausage dog, Django. Most people don't know this, but Django is passionate about only a few things in life: Selena Gomez, tacos, and... podcasts. So who were we to hold Django back?

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A few weeks ago, The Influencer Experience Podcast reached out and asked if they could interview our lil celebrity sausage dog, Django.

Most people don't know this, but Django is passionate about only a few things in life: Selena Gomez, tacos, and... podcasts. So who were we to hold Django back?

So here it is... Here is a transcript of our little man Django being interviewed by The Influencer Experience Podcast.

Transcript of Django's Interview with The Influencer Experience

How’d you get into being an influencer?

Mom – I call her Steph sometimes – launched my Instagram account in late 2015 when I was a few months old. She thought I was the cutest thing in the world and wanted to share me with the world.

Shout our your Instagram handle.

@Djangothegent! Spelled D-J-A-N-G-O the gent, like gentleman.

Where are you based in the world? Tell us about your up bringing?

I was born and raised in New York City, so I’m very comfortable with the hustle and bustle of city life. When I was a baby, I’d make Steph carry me on the subway in this hideous beach bag of hers. We’d walk all over the city together. We’d grab coffee together, try on clothes together, do dollar oyster happy hours in Greenwich Village. You know, normal Mom and sausage dog stuff.

After a year in the Big Apple, my humans and I left the concrete jungle. Since then, we’ve lived in Oregon, San Diego and Philadelphia. We feel lucky to have seen so much of the US and Canada. We’ve camped under the stars in Lake Tahoe, hid from a moose in the Grand Canyon, taken selfies in Joshua Tree National Park. We also went to Vegas for a weekend. I don’t have any monies, but if I did I’d play the slots all night long.

Most recently I escorted my parents on their honeymoon to France and Italy. I insisted on coming.

What’s your favorite treat? 

Carnitas tacos. I’m really into tacos. 

Do you prefer walking in the snow or on grass?

The snow is really fun, but I prefer the grass or the sand. I have beautiful, flowing long hair with ombré highlights. The snow gets caught in my hair really easily. Mom washed a baseball-sized snowball out of my chest hair just last week.

On a side note, I’m trying to be a Celebrity Ambassador for Pantene. Selena Gomez is a Celebrity Ambassador for Pantene too.

We see that you mention texting Selena Gomez, does she reply?

Yes, I like to text Selena Gomez a few times a day. I’m not sure if you know this, but Selena is love of my life and my future wife.

And no, Selena hasn’t responded to any of my texts. I remain optimistic though.

Do you really pee on hardwood floors, or is that vicious agenda started by cats?

Well… I used to pee on hardwood floors. A lot. I actually haven’t peed in the house in many months.

If you had to choose, would you be a pirate or a ninja? 

Pirate. Definitely pirate.

Really, I assumed you'd be more of a Ninja.

Ninjas are cool, but I am a HUGE fan of the beach and the water. I actually scream with glee whenever I see a beach. Imagine an older lady who just won the lottery. That’s me whenever I go to the beach.

Woops, sorry man. So, moving along. You have quite the wardrobe, where do you get your clothes from?

Almost all my clothes are from DJANGO –! DJANGO engineers high quality adventure and travel gear for small and medium sized dogs. The 2018 collection includes waxed canvas and leather pet carriers, performance rain jackets, cold weather trail coats, and dog hoodies. Steph launched a little over a year ago while we were living in the Pacific Northwest.

In addition to my DJANGO wardrobe, I’m really into superhero tees. I have two Batman tees, a Superman tee, and a Captain America tee.

If you could be a superhero, which one would you be?

Batman, hands down. My alter-ego on Instagram is Bruce Ween. Like Bruce Wayne but spelled W-E-E-N like weenie. Followers also know me as The Dark Wiener, The Caped Sausage, and The Masked Hot Dog.

People don’t know this, but when The Dark Knight was being filmed, the original Batman costume made for Christian Bale was 11 sizes too small. The costume designers wrote down his height as 6 inches, not 6 feet. So silly. The goods news is Christian knows I’m only 8 inches tall, so he sent the tiny Batman costume to me. Christian’s a great guy, we get beers sometimes.

How often do you take your owner for a walk?

3-4 times a day. I usually take Mom or Dad out for a long walk after work, right before sunset. Sometimes we walk to the river. Other times we walk down the street to Club Monaco so I can say hi to my girlfriend Tiffany.

Who's worse, postmen or vets?

Veterinarians. Definitely. I detest the vet and get very pissed off whenever I have to go. 

Thanks for being on the show! If you’d want your fans to know one thing about you, what would it be?

I played Juror #3 on a recent episode of Law and Order SVU. Unfortunately I’m too short to reach over the Juror Box so you can’t see me on the show. But I’m there.




@Nick Thank you so much!! We’ll let both you and Amanda know when we’re in Cincinnati next ;) And send us a pic of Max?? We’re always down for adorable wiener pics (the g-rated kind)

@Nick Thank you so much!! We’ll let both you and Amanda know when we’re in Cincinnati next ;) And send us a pic of Max?? We’re always down for adorable wiener pics (the g-rated kind)



I second the comment about visiting Cincinnati! I have a long haired mini doxie boy named Max, and he’s always looking for a new playmate! Also, we really love your IG. :)

I second the comment about visiting Cincinnati! I have a long haired mini doxie boy named Max, and he’s always looking for a new playmate! Also, we really love your IG. :)



@Amanda… Tiffany is Django’s Philadelphia girlfriend… And by girlfriend we mean that he walks us straight to Club Monaco two times a week (it’s a 10-15 minute walk from us), runs into the store, and sits at her feet for 10 minutes while she gives him love and attention :)

And we will definitely let you know if and when we are in Cincinnati! We love meeting DJANGO friends when we travel. And we love dapple doxies! Kinda wanna get Django a dapple sister… ;)

@Amanda… Tiffany is Django’s Philadelphia girlfriend… And by girlfriend we mean that he walks us straight to Club Monaco two times a week (it’s a 10-15 minute walk from us), runs into the store, and sits at her feet for 10 minutes while she gives him love and attention :)

And we will definitely let you know if and when we are in Cincinnati! We love meeting DJANGO friends when we travel. And we love dapple doxies! Kinda wanna get Django a dapple sister… ;)



Tiffany is your gf yet you are trying to hook up with Selena Gomez? Django the playa!

If you’re ever in the Cincinnati area, McLeod would like to meet you. (Don’t worry….she’s a girl. And although her hair is dappled, not ombre, she is still a sight to behold!)

Tiffany is your gf yet you are trying to hook up with Selena Gomez? Django the playa!

If you’re ever in the Cincinnati area, McLeod would like to meet you. (Don’t worry….she’s a girl. And although her hair is dappled, not ombre, she is still a sight to behold!)

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