DJANGO Dog Blog - The Farmer's Dog Review and Farmer's Dog Unboxing -

The Farmer's Dog Review #2 - Fresh Dog Food Brand Review & 50% Off Farmer's Dog Promo Code

Review #2! It’s been over three years since we wrote our first review of The Farmer’s Dog and over four years since we started feeding this fresh dog food to our long-haired dachshund, Django. In t...
DJANGO Dog Blog: Are fermented foods good for my dog? A Q&A with Dr. Billinghurst and Rob Ryan, the founder of

Gussy's Gut Q&A: Are fermented foods good for my dog?

What is been missing from dog diets ever since we started feeding them processed pet foods? Naturally occurring probiotics from whole foods, says Dr. Ian Billinghurst, the father of biologically ap...